What Work to Create?

Create work.

What does that mean? Doesn’t sound very appealing. “I have enough work,” you say. “Besides, you don’t create work. You DO work.”

Here’s what I mean when I say “create work.”

You do not have to fit yourself into somebody else’s box.
You don’t have to “find” a job. (Stick with me. I’ll explain more later.)
You don’t have to look for work that someone else has pre-defined for you in terms of tasks and responsibilities.
That’s all reactive. The key in today’s world of work is to be proactive.

You CAN create work.
It starts with you – knowing who you are, what you do well, what comes naturally to you, what you love to do, what matters to you, and where you want to make a contribution.

It starts with knowing yourself and what you have to offer, not with what’s available in the marketplace and how to fit or stuff yourself into it. (Boxes rarely fit, particularly job boxes. They are usually proscriptive, not descriptive. And, job boxes are almost always focused on skill performance, not talent expression. You want a place that will allow you, encourage you, and reward you for using your talents.)

When you create work, it can take numerous forms.

You can work in a job. (In fact, 50% of clients go on to work in a job. On their own terms. Sculpted and formed around what they have to contribute.)
You can create a role for yourself in a company.
You can work with a team.
You can work on a project, or a collection or projects.
You can start something yourself.
You can build a practice.
You can start a business or new venture.
You can create and market a product, digital or physical, here or abroad, by yourself or with others.
You can freelance, work part-time, full-time, in a partnership…whatever you choose.

The form the work takes is up to you. It’s a decision.

What matters is that the work allows you to use and develop your talents – your unique special abilities – so that you can make a contribution, on your terms, in your own way to benefit a company, team, project or entity, and be well-paid.

You decide what to do, how you will contribute, why it matters, what it’s worth, and educate others about the impact you’ll make.

That’s your job.

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