Remember…You Are Free!

It’s the July 4th weekend…

That means it’s time to celebrate the birth of this nation, and the principles of freedom, liberty and independence.

While we celebrate together as a country, let’s also celebrate the following principles in the world of work.


You are free to create work you love.

You are free to define what meaningful work means to you and create it.

You are free to determine how to use your talents in the world to make a difference.

You are free to be paid fairly for your contribution, the value you provide.

You are free to discover your “why” and figure out what matters to you.

You are free to decide where and with whom to invest your talents…and for what return.

You are free to make your mark in the world (that is uniquely yours to make).

You are free to perform work that is personally fulfilling. On your terms.

You are free to express yourself through your work – and get paid for it.

You are free to do work that is aligned with your sense of purpose.

You are free to work in a way that allows you to develop and fulfill your true potential.

You are free to create work that is fun.

You are free to find joy in your work.

You are free to control your intellectual property and how to invest your creative capital and for what kind of return.

You are free to walk away from a job that is abusive, dysfunctional or super stressful for a more balanced worklife.

You are free to leave your dead-end, soul-sucking job for something more rewarding.

You are free to do the work of your dreams.

You are free to do the work you were born to do.

So, on this July 4th, let’s celebrate by thinking about how to bring these principles more in line with our experience at work.

You are free. Period. Happy celebrating!!!

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