A Personal Note From Me

Today, I want to touch base with you, on a more personal note.

I have spent the month of September working from my mountain office in North Carolina, where my husband and I traveled to in order to escape Hurricane Irma. (No damage to our house, but massive flooding in our hometown.) It’s so beautiful up here, it’s hard to leave. I love having a lifestyle business, one that works with my lifestyle because after all, as Chief Freedom Officer of YouAreFree.com, it’s important to be free to do what works for me. If I am going to model that for you.

Here’s a picture of the view off our deck…this is why it’s so hard to leave…

Mountain View
Working in this beautiful place doesn’t keep me from doing business elsewhere. Last weekend, I flew to Chicago where I gave a very brief presentation on The Changing World of Work – at the Chicago Business Traveler’s Association. Met a lot of great people. Learned some. Thank you, Wayne! If there are any others out there who would like to hear what I have to say about today’s marketplace and your place in it, please let me know. I am looking for speaking opportunities and the chance to spread the You Are Free message.

On Sunday, I saw a coy-wolf, literally a mixed breed of a coyote and a wolf. You can google this for yourself, but this animal looked like a coyote trapped in a wolf’s body. It looked to be as big as my 135 pound mountain dog, Pasha. It’s the second time I’ve seen this creature. Sorry I don’t have a picture to share. I was so stunned to see this amazing animal at 12 noon in the broad daylight that I didn’t have the wherewithal to snap a picture. But, again, you can google it.

We have updated and reformatted the YouAreFree.com website, in part to make it more mobile-friendly. You might want to take a look. There is some new information there. www.youarefree.com

Thanks for listening today,

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